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You're viewing MySims Cheat Codes

Game Name : MySims
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-10-16 18:57:14
Views : 33890

Cheat mode
Press Minus to pause game play while in town. Then, press 2, 1, Down, Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right to display the password screen with a virtual keyboard. Then enter one of the following case-sensitive passwords:
F3nevr0Bunk Bed (Furniture)
N10ng5gCamouflage pants
Tglg0caFunky Hipster Suit
Gvsb3k1Genie Outfit
GhtymbaHourglass Couch
l3hkdvsKimono Dress
T7srhcaModern couch
AhvmrvaRacecar Bed
Itha7daRickshaw Bed
R705aanWhite jacket

After bringing your towns interest level to 100% in any of the six categories you will recieve a message telling you that a special guest will be waiting for you in the hotel. This Uber-Sim will be waiting in the hotel the next day.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Amazing Daryl100% Fun Town
Chancellor Ikara100% Tasty Town
Hopper100% Cute Town
Mel100% Spooky Town
Samurai Bob100% Studious Town
Star100% Geeky Town

Attain the indicated town rank to be able to use the corresponding tool.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Blow TorchFour stars
CrowbarOne star
Pick AxeThree stars
SawTwo stars

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